- Start the Online-Update module (YOU) from the YaST control center.
Press ‘Accept’ to apply updates with ‘package management’ flag set. Among others, this will install a libzypp maintenance stack update (Patch ‘slesp2-libzypp’ / ‘sledp2-libzypp’). After installing those, YOU will restart itself.
Press ‘Accept’ to apply all available updates that are available for SP2. This may also install a new kernel, so you should reboot the system after applying this one.
Start the Online-Update module from the YaST control center again.
Select the optional “Update to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server/Desktop Service Pack 3” (‘move-to-sles10-sp3’ / ‘move-to-sled10-sp3’) patch. Do not select any other patch at the same time – except for for additional migration patches for add-on products. If an add-on product (e.g. the SDK) is installed, the respective migration patch will be selected automatically. The migration of the add-on product should be done at the same time as the base product, otherwise there would be rpm dependency conflicts.
After the patch is installed, YOU will close.
Start the Online-Update module from the YaST control center again.
Amongst others patches, ‘slesp3o-sp3_online’ and ‘product-sles10-sp3’ (or ‘sledp3o-sp3_online’ and ‘product-sled10-sp3’ accordingly) are preselected. Apply these patches to bring the system to SP3 level.
Reboot the system.
2010 yılı bitişi itibariyle Türkiye Ekonomisi ve dünyadaki yeri hakkında kapsamlı bir sunum.
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- Unix/Linux (8)
- WebSphere Applicaiton Server (27)
- Websphere Portal/WCM Server (21)
En Kullanılanlar
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WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by Roy Tanck requires Flash Player 9 or better.