Most HTTP Servers have configuration settings to control how many simultaneous connections they can handle. Once this limit is reached, additional connections will be queued or rejected until a thread becomes ready. In this case, users experience poor response time. Therefore, to avoid HTTP Server becoming the bottleneck in your system, it is important to understand the settings which may affect the connection limit.
IBM HTTP Server includes a status monitor known as mod_status which can be accessed by browser to give a report of current active requests, like this:
Sometimes its necessary to synchronize the whole session between two (or more) cluster members. Especially when some important attributes are stored in the session (search,…).
WebSphere offers an option called “Session Replication” to avoid the lost of a session because of a crashed Cluster Member.
First you need to setup a replication domain for the cluster
1.1. Go to Enviroment > Replication domains > New
1.2. Type in the name of the replication domain and click OK
1.3. Save & synchronize changes Yazının tamamını okuyun (read more) »
You need to have a batch tool to reassign Web Content Management item-level security settings.
For example: Your LDAP groups were consolidated, which merges multiple groups into a single group. Your Web Content Management (WCM) items are assigned group access, but you need to update thousands of WCM content items, sites, and so on, to accommondate the group changes.
If there is an event that causes issues with the Primary Node in the cluster, such as a failed upgrade, hardware failure, etc, there is a requirement that a Primary Node be identified in the Portal Cluster for maintenance and other tasks. To assign the Primary Node role to another cluster member and remove the damaged member, follow these instructions. 1. Remove Primary node from traffic:
Stop IP traffic to the node you are upgrading:
If you are using the IP sprayers for load balancing, reconfigure the IP sprayers to stop routing new requests to the node.
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