If you want to cut off the incoming requests that take more than specified time from the server side, unfortunately no way to configure this in WebSphere. There is a property at the plug-in level that might be sufficient. Please see the ‘ServerIOTimeout’ property in the document at link:  http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21318463

This would make it so that the plug-in cuts off the connection after 5 seconds. Please keep in mind that this request would still continue in WAS and eventually result in an IOException when it tries to write the response. This will not cause any problems, but it won’t reduce any performance impact if you’re expecting that when reducing the timeout.

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1) Stop WAS.

2) Reboot the server. If the system has been up for a long time it might not be possible to get a contiguous section of memory to allocate the large pages in. You will see this because if you run the sysctl command below it will fail to work. So it is recommended but not critical that the first step is to reboot the server.

3) Run the command:

echo 1536 >  / proc / sys / vm / nr_hugepages

Where 1536 denotes the number of 2MB large pages required, in this case 3GB worth. This setting will not be permanent so you will have to add this to the boot options for the server (/ etc / init.d / boot.local or equivalent).

4) Run more / proc / meminfo and check that it looks something like this at the bottom of the output:

HugePages_Total: 1536

HugePages_Free: 1536

Hugepagesize: 2048kB

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For encode:  <WASROOT>java/bin/java -cp <WASROOT>/deploytool/itp/plugins/com.ibm.websphere.v6(xxx)/ws_runtime.jar com.ibm.ws.security.util.PasswordEncoder  <password>

result:   decoded password == “password”, encoded password == “{xor}Mzs+Lz47MjYx”

For decode: <WASROOT>java/bin/java -cp <WASROOT>/deploytool/itp/plugins/com.ibm.websphere.v6(xxx)/ws_runtime.jar com.ibm.ws.security.util.PasswordDecoder   {xor}Mzs+Lz47MjYx

result:      encoded password == “{xor}Mzs+Lz47MjYx”, decoded password == “password”

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The heap is divided into two spaces:

  1. The new space.
  2. The tenured space.

The new space is further divided into two zones:

  1. Allocate space.
  2. Survivor space.


Initially, the survivor space is completely empty. A new object is always created in the allocate space.


If when creating a new object an allocation failure takes place in the allocate space, a minor GC called scavenge is started. Scavenge works as follows.

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You can use -Xloratio parameter For WebSphere Application Server V6.0, V5.1 and V5.0 (Java 1.4.2) .If your WAS version is WebSphere Application Server V7.0, V6.1 (Java V1.6, V1.5) ,There is no need to explicitly set the size. The value can be manually limited with using the -Xloainitial and -Xloamaximum, however it is not recommended.

The detailed technote :

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1- Change owner for Websphere Application root directory with spcified user and group.
chown -R was1:wasgroup /opt/WebSphere/AppServer

2- Change file permissions as the root user
chmod -R g+wr AppServer
Note: When you use the chown command to change the owner of JSPs that are already complied and reside in the temp directory, the CPU does not have to continuously recompile these JSP. If you do not issue this command, you should delete the application temp directory to lower CPU usage.

3- Specify user and group values for the Runas User and Runas Group setiings for a server
Go Process execution page of the administrative console

You must define properties in the following table. Click Servers > Application Servers > server1 > Process Definition > Process Execution and change all of the following values:Property Value
Run As User wasadm
Run As Group wasgrp

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If you have a page for which users have Priveleged user rights then then can customize/ personalize that page. When any of the user does that the portal server will create a private page and store that information in customization database domain(The actual page layout is stored in the RELEASE database domain). Now when you delete that page the main page would get deleted from RELEASE database domain( either immediately or at the time of schedule cleanup) but the personalized page that is stored in the CUSTOMIZATION domain wont be deleted. This page would be included in your database backup. You can delete the private page from the CUSTOMIZATION database domain by following these steps.
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If you want to change your node names you can follow this steps:

1- Stop nodes except deployment manager

2 – Execute following command at /bin directory:

./renameNode.sh dmgr01 16003 node1 -username wpsbind -password wpsbind -logfile (renameNode.sh dmgr_host dmgr_port node_name ) changenode.txt

3- Execute following command at /ConfigEngine directory:

/ConfigEngine.sh rename-node-in-cell-registry -DWasPassword=wpsbind -DpreviousNodeName=node1 (./ConfigEngine.sh rename-node-in-cell-registry -DWasPassword=password -DpreviousNodeName=oldNodeName )

4- Edit deployment.xml files with new nodename under /config/application/ at dmgr machine

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FOR  6.0.x

1- locate <dmgrprofile>/config/wmm/

2- add properties  in  wmmAttributes.xml  and wmmLDAPServerAttributes.xml files.

Caution:  wmmAttributes.xml uses attribute properties  ,  wmmLDAPServerAttributes.xml uses attributeMap properties.


          <attribute wmmAttributeName=”workingBranch”


        <attributeMap wmmAttributeName=”workingBranch”
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Following technote’s  suggestion was’nt work corrently on my Portal Servers. So I have prapered new procedure for me .



My configuration:

For Websphere Administrative Console Machine:

1- Stop dmgr ,nodes,instances processes. Change hostname on server

2-Modify   hostnames with new hostname  in  <dmgrprofile>/config/../dmgrnode/serverindex.xml and virtualhost.xml

3- Modify com.ibm.ws.scripting.host parameter  in wsadmin.properties on <profileroot>/properties  both servers (dmgr and nodes)

4- Clean  under dmgrprofile and nodeprofiles temp,wstemp folders.

5-  Start dmgr.

6-Sync nodes with synNode command and start nodes.

For Node  Machines:

1- Stop nodes,instances processes. Change hostname on node servers

2-Modify   hostnames with new hostname  in  <dmgrprofile>/config/…/node/serverindex.xml

3- Modify com.ibm.ws.scripting.host parameter  in wsadmin.properties on <profileroot>/properties  both servers (dmgr and nodes)

4- Clean  under nodeprofiles temp,wstemp folders.

5-Sync nodes with synNode command and start nodes.

6-Star node

7- Download file at following link http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21304780 . Extract it into your /ConfigeEngine

8- run following script : ./ConfigEngine .sh localize-clone

9- Verify that the /ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc.properties has been updated with the new hostname.

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